Robot Blood nearing completion and on schedule for June release

Posted on May 28, 2015 (Subscribe to Blog)

Book 2 in the Sleep Writer series is just about finished. I'm doing a read-through at the moment, doing some small edits as I go, and then I have to write the final two chapters. In case you haven't read the first book, Liam and Ant (both 12) and Madison (14) literally get sucked into alien and time-travel adventures via wormholes. All exciting stuff and well worth a read!

Sleep Writer SeriesThe Sleep Writer Series

Even though each book will be a standalone story, I can't help hinting at the next in the series because, well, these books involve time travel and it's only natural to glimpse the future! Robot Blood (Book 2) unveils something totally unexpected about Ant's chauffeur, and Caleb's Word (Book 3) will be all about that.

And yes, you heard correctly. Caleb's World is an older novel that I wrote years ago. I'm adapting it for this series because it fits so perfectly, and that means I already have a huge amount of the book already written. Of course I'll have to make some tweaks all the way through, but much of the first two-thirds is almost ready to go. The last third will need a rewrite, but even so, it should be ready in just a few months from now.

So the series so far is as follows:

For the Island of Fog fans out there, don't lose heart. I fully intend returning to New Earth later this year and publishing early 2016. In the meantime, please do check out Sleep Writer if you haven't already. ;-)

Comment by ROGER ESCHBACHER on Thursday, May 28, 2015...

Awesome! There's a ton o' good stuff on your slate. "Caleb's World" sounds like a perfect fit for your "Sleep Writer" series, too. Looking forward to it.

Comment by ANONYMOUS on Thursday, May 28, 2015...

Excited for the next sleep writer love the first .enjoy your writeing very much.

Comment by GRAEME JENKS on Friday, May 29, 2015...

Yay! I have been waiting for this book. Love Island of Fog but I really enjoyed Sleep Writer. Can't wait now I know it will be ready soon, to see what adventure the trio get sucked into this time. I'm sure it will be as good as the rest of the books you've released. Keep up the good work.

Comment by KEITH ROBINSON on Friday, May 29, 2015...

Thanks all! :-)

Comment by BRIAN B on Wednesday, June 10, 2015...

Great news Keith.
I've been busy squeezing in a few pages a day of my own after the trudgery of the day job. Up to page 175/56000 words.

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