Robot Blood is finished!

Posted on June 21, 2015 (Subscribe to Blog)

The second book in the Sleep Writer series, Robot Blood, is now finished. I had planned on a June release, but I want to give it one last read-through on my Kindle before I publish in case there are some more typos to pick up (and let's face it, there probably are). And because I'm going on vacation at the end of June without internet access, I've decided to delay publication until July 7.

So all those who are chomping at the bit, please bear with me!

Sleep Writer SeriesThe Sleep Writer Series

Meanwhile, I've already gotten a head-start on the third book in the series, Caleb's World. This is actually an older 70,000-word book (never published), but I intend cutting it down to 50,000 words and rewriting half. Still, with around 25,000 words already written and pretty well edited, I expect a fairly quick publication around October, perhaps even earlier. Stay tuned for more on this.

Comment by GRAEME JENKS on Monday, June 22, 2015...

I have been looking forward to this book and I'm sure it will be worth the slightly longer wait. Keep up the good work and enjoy your vacation!

Comment by CAROL COVATO on Monday, June 22, 2015...

OK..I'll just chomp some more but I know it will be well woth the wait! Have a great and well deserved vacation. You need to keep that mind of yours fresh to turn out more fantastic books. While I am waiting I will just try to figure out in which of the groups of people you say your books are written for!! Didn't see "old fogy" there in that list.

Comment by KEITH ROBINSON on Monday, June 22, 2015...

Thanks Graeme and Carol!

Carol, my books are for all ages 9 and up except for mid- to late-teens who are way too cool and sophisticated for such nonsense. (But they'll come around as they get older.)

Comment by KEITH ROBINSON on Monday, June 22, 2015...

I love this early review by Brian Clopper.

Comment by GRAEME JENKS on Monday, June 22, 2015...

That's not fair. You can't ask us to wait and then show an early review. Hehe. That's like dangling the book from a string just out of reach. Well, it will be eagerly awaited in any case.

Comment by KEITH ROBINSON on Monday, June 22, 2015...

Ha! :-)

Comment by BRIAN CLOPPER on Sunday, July 5, 2015...

Having now read it twice, I can attest to the fact that it is a pure delight. Robinson diehards are going to love it and be clamoring for the next book in the series.

Comment by GRAEME JENKS on Tuesday, July 7, 2015...

Thanks Brian. You're not making the wait any easier. Haha.

Comment by KEITH ROBINSON on Tuesday, July 7, 2015...

All done! I'll be hitting the "publish" button tonight, so look for Robot Blood tomorrow (July 8) on Kindle. I'll post a link here as soon as it's available. Thanks for your eagerness, Graeme! :-)

Comment by GRAEME JENKS on Tuesday, July 7, 2015...

No thanks needed. It's all down to your hard work and effort, which in turns makes it hard to put your books down. I shall be one of the first to order it then, I'm sure it will be as great as the rest.

Comment by GRAEME JENKS on Wednesday, July 8, 2015...

I have just had my "fix" of Robot Blood and I have to say it's just as I thought, great. Can't wait to finish it. Haha. Probably today and then I'll have to wait again. Wish I had an echo wand, jump to the future and read the next one as my future self does. Thanks again Keith, another fantastic book for your collection.

Comment by KEITH ROBINSON on Wednesday, July 8, 2015...

Wow, Graeme, you were quick off the mark! But to be fair, you're in the UK and are five hours ahead. :-)

I got up this morning to find the book had gone live on Amazon, so I went ahead and posted all the necessary links here. But congratulations, Graeme, you're my first customer! Thank you, and enjoy!

And if you had an echo wand... would you really use it to view the future? A really heavy subject indeed. The past for sure, but the future... I don't know.

Comment by GRAEME JENKS on Wednesday, July 8, 2015...

You are very welcome. Told you I was desperate to find out the next part. I'm on chapter 7 already. And that's due to three children or it would be finished.

Short answer yes. Think, if you knew the future, you could plan ahead. Might take some fun out of it but who's to say it is set in stone.

And how else am I to find out they elusive lotto numbers. Haha.

I'm sure it will sell very very well. Your an author who is consistently great. You paint the picture so we can just view it and for all us reality escapists what more could we ask for.

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